Wednesday 25 January 2012

First Job

I was working on a film a little while back, i wont go into any detail but it was a great experience...middle of nowhere, stayed overnight, lots of cool stuff happened...and while talking to the producers/directors they asked if I would be interested in doing the gunshots for the film.

Obviously I jumped at the opportunity.

So now I'm looking over loads of actual gun shot footage, figuring out how different guns look/work and just practising basically.

So, things I need to research/practice...

1) muzzle flashes,
2) how bullets react to different surfaces,
3) how the surface reacts to different bullets,
4) how to light the surrounding areas that would be lit by the muzzle flash,

I think that's most things.

I'll upload the practice stuff once I'm happy with them.

Anyway, its 5am, I'm tired, I'm going to bed.


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